Business Communication- Developing Leaders for a Networked World(2版)偶而由網路中得知Business Communication- Developing Leaders for a Networked World(2版) 優良產品,由於我和姐姐都很喜歡美妝自己,無論如何使用其他廠牌都沒有什麼歡喜的心情, 姑且抱著試買Business Communication- Developing Leaders for a Networked World(2版) 試試看也無彷的心態,在上周就在聯盟網上訂購了Business Communication- Developing Leaders for a Networked World(2版) 。等到貨品寄來一試,效果非常好。謝謝聯盟站長推薦這麼好用的產品,以解決大家的問題愛用者 。
Business Communication- Developing Leaders for a Networked World(2版)帶給我新的理念,新的誘人話題,也造成大家對它的共鳴,而且Business Communication- Developing Leaders for a Networked World(2版)也是購物網的受寵者成為網友們的最愛,希望它能受到大家的親睞。
Establishing Credibility as a Central Theme—Since professional success depends on managing and working within professional relationships, this textbook uses credibility or trust as a central principle throughout. Cardon’s Chapter 1 establishes the importance of credibility, and then waves principles such as relationship-building, emotional intelligence, and listening throughout the book. Credibility is considered a key leadership attribute in today’s networked world.
Forward looking vision built on tradition—Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World stays true to core business communication principles established over many decades. Yet it also goes beyond traditional texts by its inclusion of the latest communication practices facilitated by communication technologies and its enhanced coverage of increasingly important business communication topics
- 新功能介紹 作者: Peter Cardon
- 出版社:華泰文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2016/01/13
- 語言:英文
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